GDC 2012: From Console to Chrome - Javascript
- JIT Compiler
- Numbers
- Small ints (SMIs)
- Immediate, fast
- 31 bits on 32 bit machines OR on 32 bits x64
- 64 bits “heap numbers”
- Won’t fit in an SMI and is not local
- Wrapped and heap allocated
- Slightly slower
- Doubles may be optimized, no guarantees
- Small ints (SMIs)
- Arrays
- TypedArrays
- Uint32Array, Float64Array, etc
- Memory efficient, no boxing
- JS Arrays
- API allows operations not possible in C
- Backing storage: sparse vs. dense
- C-like array OR hash table (“dictionary mode”)
- Many factors switch backing, e.g. space efficiency
- TypedArrays
- Numbers
- Object Model
- Objects are associative arrays
- Large systems have structured data
- Hidden classes: Internal type system
- Group objects with same structure
- Shared across objects
- Expensive to generate once, cheap afterwards
- Property inline caching (IC)
- Check hidden class on property lookup
- First time fully generic lookup
Remember where you found the property - Generate new optimized code
Next time, direct access
- Object properties storage
- directly on object
- array
- hash table “dictionary mode” >_<
- What triggers dictionary mode?
- Too many properties (around 30)
- Change property attributes
- Delete a property
- Optimizing Compiler
- Heavier operations than JIT compiler
- Warm up on fully-general path
- Profile for hot functions
- Non-deterministic sampling profiler
- Mine types, specialize
- New optimized code (inlining, licm, gvn)
- Speculative optimization
- Not all constructs are handled
“bailout” == tried to optimize but quitV8 --trace-bailout
V8 --trace-opt
- Function too long
- TryCatch, ForIn, NonStringToString, etc (may change)
- But those optimizations were speculative
“deopt” == assumptions of fast path violatedV8 --trace-deopt
- Javascriptisms: so elegant, so slow
- Static and “like C” is often fast
- Create a few well-defined object types
- Avoid objects with too many properties (< 30)
- Feed your functions consisten data
- Don’t use gigantic functions
- Keep an eye on your code with V8 flag
- Garbage Collector
- Two generations
V8 --trace-gc
- Young: small frequently collected space
- Old: longer-lived data
- Promotion (between young and old) is expensive
Want very long or very short lived objects - Release your references
Execution contexts can hold onto references
Closures can hold onto references - Avoid GC stalls
Use SMIs, scratchpads, update in place
- Two generations